The Woobles Use Case

"You want to ask questions where you can take action based on the data"
-Audrey Cao, Head of Marketing @ The Woobles

When setting up post-purchase surveys, it’s essential to ask questions that lead to actionable insights rather than just interesting facts. For instance, instead of asking, “Do you like our brand? Yes or No?”—which provides little actionable information—break questions down by purpose, audience, and product.

  • Purpose: Is the question for marketing or product improvement?
  • Audience: Are you targeting repeat customers, new customers, or both?

An example is The Woobles, a brand that partners with companies like Warner Brothers and Hello Kitty. They asked in a post-purchase survey if these partnerships influenced customers’ purchasing decisions. They discovered that most shoppers were unaware of the partnerships until after the purchase.

This insight helped them adjust their messaging strategy, using partnership messaging for credibility and trust rather than as a primary draw.

“You want to ask questions where you can take action based on the data” – Audrey Cao, The Woobles


Survey Questions

Allow The Woobles to understand what marketing channels are proving most effective.
Gain insights into the most appealing features or benefits of The Woobles' crochet kits, understand what sets The Woobles apart from competitors, and gauge customer satisfaction to inform improvements in product quality or customer service.
Use data and insights to prove to other brands the brand power The Woobles currently has.

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